
~~a second~~

a second is the started of time
a second can become a minute a hours a days
a second can make us heppy
a second can make us bad
a second can make us lucky
a second we can fall in love with someone
a second we cant wait to be with someone
a second we cnt wait to c someone
a second can make someone love us
a second can make someone like us
a second can make someone hate us
a second can make someone heppy
a second can change evrything we had done
a second can forget all the beautiful time we have done
a second can forget all the memories
a second can change everything u have
a second is a meaningfull with love
a second is a meaningless without love
so please appreciate every second you have with your love
because with a second you will lost her forever
thats is a life
like a circle sometimes u up sometimes u down
take a second to think what you have done