
Thanx dEAR..

Dear By,

Thanx syg untuk segalanya...
Thanx sebab understanding me...
Thanx sebab love me without boundry(ayat bI ni betul ke?)hehe
Thanx sebab with me n support me whatever i do..
Thanx sebab segala2nya yang by dah buat selama ini
Semoga kita trus memahami n trus menyayangi satu sama lain..
Whatever i do i do it for u..
I love you very much...
Really Love you babe..

Selamat hari ibu...

yesterday we all celebrate mothers day..
selepas seminggu promosi dan peraduan serta ucapan2 hari ibu kedengaran di corong2 radio..
semalam merupakan hari kejadian nye..
mungkin setiap orang ada cara tersendiri meraikan insan yg tersayang dalam hidup mereka..
termasuk la aku skali..
dah lama aku xsambut hari ibu..
munkin kerana sibuk ataupun lupa tentang hari ibu..
tapi last nite we all adik beradik make a suprise to mum even dia dah tahu tapi buat mcm suprise gak la..
even not all my family member are there but still havoc jugak..just my brother aje xda yg lain suma ada di sini..
seperti biasa di dalam keluarga aku..ape2 aktiviti keluarga kita akan contribute sama2 even just a wish or small money..
our target just to make her heppy n noe dat we are love her much than ever..
so all the picture will be uploaded later..
xsempat coz xda kabel..huhu(alasan aje)
so last nite we celebrate mothers day in house..
Heppy mothers day mum/emak...
semoga tahun ni membawa keberkatan dan kebahgiaan kita sekeluarga...
semoga panjang umur dan murah rezeki..
u r the best forever n ever..
I Love You sooo much..
selamat hari ibu sekali lagi dari anak mu ini..

p/s: got msg from someone..."kamu anak yang baik.isyallah"..msg i got last two day..hehe..sweet aje msg die..

8 Mei 2009 - Date to remember..

Date to remember...
On 08.05.09 are history have been state in my life diary..
with full support from my love n family now it will become true..
but today is a heppy day for me n also for her..
our dream will be come true.
now im start to thinking more maturely
start to work hard n more hardworking until it succes to the end
time have be selected..
plan have been state
place should be finallize
now is time to work smart until count da first day of my new life..
really cant imagine how heppy i am rite now..
really really heppy for my decision..
Love d'Heart WD

Date start to count..

Love d'Heart WD
Now is begining to the new chapter to my life...
with spirit and strong comitment it will be success until the end..
guys out there should give me a moral support
Date : to be state
Place : should be confirm later
Tentative : should be organize later
Guest : will be finallize later
so guys and babes wait for my msg or call....